About The Little Princess
¤ My ambition ? I don't know but I really want open my own shop.
¤Of course it's great shop.
¤what I want to sell ?
¤Haha I don't know.
¤It's to much that i was thinking like restaurant,boutique and cybercafe + library + 'lepak-lepak' place.HAhahaha.Crazy right ?but who know it's will come true.Alhamdulila.
¤But my Abah say"work connected with government" NEVERMIND.ok.Forget about that.
¤ How about my self ?
ok,I'm simple person but unique.hAHA.nevermind.I also can be a good friend for you and mybe good in giving advise but when i have problem,sometimes I can handle it and sometimes I CAN'T.Hehe.like people say EASY TO SAY,SO HARD TO DO.Hehe.
¤ Are you thinking I like "membebel" ? That true !!Haha.But not using mouth,using hand !.My friends always said in text i wrote like ESSAY !.Hehe.Why like that ? because I don't like receive short text,when i give long text I hope you make it too =) I will be QUIET GIRL when don't know each other.if with my friend i will be 'KEPOH GIRL' Haha.AWESOME right !IT's my real self !!
¤ Enough Aishah. Look ! Your writing too much.Hehe.Sory okey stalker,when you got any problem connected with family,love or blog.I can help you,Insya'allah..
¤Just leave your problem or question in my "Cbox" ok.
¤ P/S:My writing in ENGLISH so BAD.Sory if have many mistake . no body perfect =)
" Eh,alep sudah singel " ohh.really ! sukeee nyeeee --' hukhukhuk !! pembetulan,tu dialog sala tu..aku suke ?? harap maaf,tu dulu la before kau buang aku,memang aku merayu dekat kau kan..mesti kau engat lagi kan kejadian tu semua..tu memang la sebab aku tengah gila sayang dekat kauu..tapi sekarang tidak lagi ok =)
kepade korang korang and kau jugak,engat aku singel sampai sekarang sebab aku tak bole lupe kan kau ke ?? hahahahah.kalau tu anggapan korang.okeyy.harap maaf ye,sila betulkan tangapan korang terhadap aku ni =) memang la sekarang aku still singel lepas clash dengan budak tuu..aku singel sebab aku belom jumpe lagi orang yang sesuai untuk diri aku ni..jangan nak kate aku tak bole lupe kan kau,kalau kau nak tau mase kau clash dengan aku & mase aku tengah meroyan macam orang gile tuu..ade orang yang da bantu aku untuk sedar..so,memang aku betul betul da lupe kan kauu..thank kepade someone tu =)) kepade memb kau tu,jangan nak cakap aku " tanak try ke.mane tahu cinta lame berputik kembali " hahahahah. soryy !! i don't want =) engat aku hadap sangat ke dengan cinte kau tu , TIDAK LA =) aku GEMBIRA la dengan kehidupan aku sekarang walaupun SINGEL tapi lebih baik dari diri ni tak dihargai dan asyik kena TIPU je kan =)
okey,lupe mahu cakap,your aunt meet my abah,she asking my abah aishah dengan alep dh tak kawan lagi ke ? for what your aunt asking my father like that.err. whatever.sesory ayat dekat atas ni macam orang yang berdendam pulak kan..actually mane ade dendam..bile aku dengar cite pasal kau ni aku hanye mampu tersenyum jela.tade pape perasaan pon.hahaha..yela,tak baik nak berdendam ni,buat hati rosak aje kann...err.rase macam da banyak sangat ni cerita.stop sini la ea korangg .Daa =))